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CryptoMarket - добавь на сервер криптовалюту!

Плагин CryptoMarket - добавь на сервер криптовалюту! 1.8-1.19

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A plugin that brings the cryptocoins market experience to your server!

  • Красивый и простой в использовании графический интерфейс
  • Реальные обменные курсы
  • Рейтинг самых богатых игроков
  • Позволяет торговать более чем одной монетой
  • Календарь, показывающий предыдущие значения
  • Покупка монет через разговор
  • Поддержка PlaceholderAPI
Доступ к этому меню осуществляется с помощью команды /cryptomarket (или просто /cm)
. Оно содержит кнопки для доступа к другим меню и некоторые полезные элементы, такие как:
Цена продажи сейчас: этот пункт сообщает вам, какую прибыль (или убыток) вы получите если вы продадите сейчас

Кошелек, показывает ваш баланс, и баланс криптовалют

Coins / Values: Здесь можно либо продать, либо купить криптовалюту. Очень важный пункт!

(ЛКМ = продать ПКМ = купить) on it will start a negotiation conversation, after that the player just have to answer some questions (coin, amount, etc). And that is it, negotiation completed!

обновить курс криптовалют
Ranking and Calendar: opens their respective menus

Ranking menu
Do you want to see who are the richest players on the server?
Check this menu out!
It also calculates the total value invested in the server!

Here the top 5 are displayed along with their total patrimony (amount invested converted to server coin):

Calendar menu
Are you curious of how much did Bitcoin cost last week or... year?
This menu contains the previous values of the coins, which may help players decide when it's the best time to buy!
Ссылка скрыта, пожалуйста Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь Ссылка скрыта, пожалуйста Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь Ссылка скрыта, пожалуйста Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь

Как установить?
  1. Прежде всего, вы должны получить API KEY (не волнуйтесь, это бесплатно):
  2. Зайдите на Ссылка скрыта, пожалуйста Войдите или Зарегистрируйтесь , заполните форму и нажмите "GET FREE API KEY".
  3. Запустите сервер с CryptoMarket.jar в папке plugins.
  4. Откройте файл конфигурации и вставьте свой API KEY в «api-key».
  5. Перезагрузите сервер.
Вот и все, остальные настройки необязательны и плагин готов!

Конфигурационный файл:
#API KEY for accessing the cryptocoins values, USE THE DEFAULT KEY FOR TESTING ONLY[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(51, 102, 0)]api-key: "99X0JFXBLX2YRZA7"[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600][COLOR=#336600]#The interval to update the Exchange Rates (in minutes)
#(Please note that the API has a limit of 500 requests per day,
#so if you set an interval that trespasses this limit, the plugin will automatically choose one)
update-interval: 60
#The interval to save the investors data (in minutes)
saving-interval: 5
#The interval to update the richers list (in minutes)
richers-update-interval: 15
#MySQL Configuration
 #Do you want to use MySQL? If not, SQLite will be used
  enabled: false
  hostname: "localhost"
  port: 3306
  database: "cryptomarket"
  user: "root"
  password: "1234"
#Set here the currency to compare against the cryptocoin value
physical-currency: USD
#Coins that the plugin will work with (you can find a list of valid coin in the digital_currency_list.csv file inside the JAR)
#The main menu of the plugin, accessed using /cryptomarket
 #Name of the menu
  name: "&7CryptoMarket"
  #Items configuration
   #The item that shows the current Exchange Rates
      name: "&7Coins / Values"
      #The lore of Coins item
      # {0} holds space for the coin line(s)
       - " "
        - "&f{0}"
        - " "
        - "&7Right Click - &aBuy"
        - "&7Left Click - &cSell"
      #For each coin you added to the coin list, a coin-line will be added to the lore
      # {0} is the name of the coin
      # {1} is the value
      coin-line: "&f{0} &7{1}"
      #Message showed instead of the value when there has been an error
      error-no-data: "Error, update!"
    #The item that shows the current balance of the investor
      name: "&3Wallet"
      #The lore of the Wallet
      # {0} is the investor's server balance (Vault)
      # {1} is a placeholder for the coin line(s) (it works like the Coins item)
       - " "
        - "&f{0}"
        - " "
        - "&f{1}"
      #Please refer to the Coins item, they work the same way
      coin-line: "&f{0} &7{1}"
    #The item that shows the profit if the investor sells all balance of one coin
      name: "&fProfit selling now"
      #The lore of the Profit item
      # {0} is a placeholder for the coin line(s) (it works like the Coins item)
         - " "
          - "{0}"
          - " "
      #For each coin you added to the coin list, a coin-line will be added to the lore
      # {0} is the name of the coin
      # {1} is the color
      # {2} is the percentage (it can be negative, meaning a loss)
      coin-line: "&f{0} {1}{2}%"
      # These are the colors that the "{1}" placeholder above will use according to the value
          positive: '&a'
          neuter: '&f'
          negative: '&c'
    calendar: "&aCalendar"
    update: "&aUpdate"
    ranking: "&aRanking"
#The Calendar menu, accessed via main menu
#It shows the rates of previous days
    name: "&fCalendar"
        back: "&aBACK"
        next-month: "&aNext Month"
        previous-month: "&aPrevious Month"
        #Configures a single day in the Calendar
           #Name of the Day item
            # {0} is the day number
            name: "&fDay {0}"
            #This works like Coins' lore, please refer to it
               - " "
                - "{0}"
                - " "
            #Also works like Coins' coin line
            coin-line: "{0} {1}"
            #This is showed in days after today, where there is no rate yet
            no-rates: "&c&oNo data"
            #Message showed instead of the value when there has been an error
            error-no-data: "Error, update!"
#The Ranking menu, also accessed via main menu
    name: "&fRanking"
        back: "&aBACK"
        #Configures a richer item
           #The name of the item
            # {0} is the position in the rank
            # {1} is the Investor's name
            name: "#{0} {1}"
            #The lore of the item
            # {0} is the total invested converted to server coin
            # {1} is the percentage compared to the server's total investments
               - " "
                - "{0} ({1}%)"
                - " "
            #If there is not investor in the rank
            # {0} is the position in the rank
            no-investor: "#{0} No investor"
           # Name of the item
            name: "&fTotal investments"
            # {0} is the total invested in the server
               - " "
                - "{0}"
                - " "
           # Name of the item
            name: "&fLast updated"
            # {0} is the date and time
               - " "
                - "{0}"
                - " "
#Configuration relative to the Negotiation Chat, started using the Coins item in the main menu
 #Prefix of the chat
  prefix: "&7[CriptoMarket] "
  #What word the user must type to end the negotiation
  exit-word: "quit"
  #First message of the conversation, {0} is the exit word
  warning: "&fTo exit the negotiation, type &7{0}&f at any time."
  choose-coin: "&fWhich coin do you want to negotiate?"
  # {0} is a formated list of the coins
  valid-coins: "&fValid coins: {0}"
  how-much-buy: "&fHow much do you want to buy?"
  how-much-sell: "&fHow much do you want to sell?"
  error-insufficient-balance: "&fYou don't have enough balance!"
  #If the user neither insert numbers nor a positive one
  error-invalid-value: "&fPlease, insert a valid value!"
  #If there had been an error fetching the rates
  error-outdated-data: "&fThe negotiation failed: the data is outdated! Please use the Update button/command!"
  #Everything is ready to finish the negotiation, all the user need is to confirm
  # {0} is the action (sell-action or buy-action)
  # {1} is the amount
  # {2} is the cryptocoin
  # {3} is the server coin amount
  confirmation: "&fDo you want to &7{0} {1} {2} &ffor &7{3} &fcoins?"
  #Used to confirm the negotiation
  yes-word: "yes"
  #Used to cancel it and restart
  cancel-word: "cancel"
  sell-action: "sell"
  buy-action: "buy"
  #Last message
  success: "&fSuccessful negotiation!"
#Some messages the plugin will send
  error-player-not-found: "&fThe inserted player was not found!"
  error-invalid-amount: "&fThe inserted amount is not a valid number or is equal or less than zero!"
  error-invalid-coin: "&fThe inserted coin is not valid!"
  error-take-insufficient-balance: "&fThe player does not have enough balance!"
  error-database: "&fThere has been an error connecting to the database, contact an admin, please!"
  error-no-permission: "&fYou don't have permission to do this!"
  saving-data: "&fSaving data..."
  player-balance-updated: "&f{0}''s balance updated!"
  # {0} is the approximated minutes to complete the update, considering the API limits
  updating-content: "&fUpdating content, please, wait {0} minute(s)!"
  already-uptodate: "&fThis is not necessary, the content is already up-to-date or an update is in progress!"
  balance: "&fYour balance is:"
  #This will be sent after balance
  #One message per coin set in this config
  # {0} is the coin name
  # {1} is its value
  balance-per-coin: "&a{0}: &f{1}"
  current-rates: "The coins are worth:"
  #This will be sent after the message above
  #One message per coin set in this config
  # {0} is the coin name
  # {1} is its value
  current-rates-per-coin: "&a{0}: &f{1}"
  outdated-data: "Outdated data, please update!"
  #If something is wrong when trying to open the Ranking menu
  error-ranking-data: "&fThere has been an error accessing the Ranking data, contact an admin, please!"
  new-balance: "&fYour new &7{0} balance &fis: &7{1}"
 - "&bCryptoMarket - Help"
  - "&b/cm balance - shows your balance"
  - "&b/cm today - shows today's exchange rates"
  - "&b/cm update - updates the exchange rates"
  - "&c/cm save - saves the data to the database"
  - "&c/cm give <target> <amount> <coin> - gives the amount of the coin to the target player"
  - "&c/cm take <target> <amount> <coin> - takes the amount of the coin from the target player"
  - "&c/cm set <target> <amount> <coin> - sets the amount of the coin as the target's balance"
  • cryptomarket.menu: allows the player to open the Main menu
  • cryptomarket.negotiate: allows the player to buy/sell coins
  • cryptomarket.ranking: allows the player to open the Ranking menu
  • cryptomarket.calendar: allows the player to open the Calendar menu
  • cryptomarket.balance: allows the player to use /cm balance
  • cryptomarket.today: allows the player to use /cm today
  • cryptomarket.update: allows the player to use /cm update
  • cryptomarket.save: allows the player to use /cm save
  • cryptomarket.give: allows the player to use /cm give
  • cryptomarket.take: allows the player to use /cm take
  • cryptomarket.set: allows the player to use /cm set



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