<world_name> - Обход команд определённого мира* - Обход команд всех миров
commandworldlimiter.command.add - Использование команды "/cwl add"
commandworldlimiter.command.remove - Использование команды "/cwl remove"
commandworldlimiter.command.* - Использование всех комманд плагина
commandworldlimiter.* - Обще разрешение* - Обход команд всех миров
commandworldlimiter.command.add - Использование команды "/cwl add"
commandworldlimiter.command.remove - Использование команды "/cwl remove"
commandworldlimiter.command.* - Использование всех комманд плагина
commandworldlimiter.* - Обще разрешение
# List of forbidden commands.
- /help
- /something
# If enabled, a player will get a list of forbidden commands after entering the world
info_to_player: true
# Message that player will get after trying to use a forbidden command
command_forbidden_message: "&cYou don't have permission to use that command here."
# That message will be shown after changing the world if info_to_player is true
info_forbidden_commands: "&eThere are some commands which you can't use in that world:"
# Limit to the amount of forbidden commands shown to the player. Use -1 if you want to show all commands
info_commands_max: -1
- /help
- /something
# If enabled, a player will get a list of forbidden commands after entering the world
info_to_player: true
# Message that player will get after trying to use a forbidden command
command_forbidden_message: "&cYou don't have permission to use that command here."
# That message will be shown after changing the world if info_to_player is true
info_forbidden_commands: "&eThere are some commands which you can't use in that world:"
# Limit to the amount of forbidden commands shown to the player. Use -1 if you want to show all commands
info_commands_max: -1